2 Books That Will Transform Your Life

I cannot help you to take action, but I can help you find the best material to transform every area of your life.

Sufyan Maan, M.Eng
4 min readFeb 15, 2022
Photo by Trnava University on Unsplash

Over the last few years, I read more than 110 books. Books have changed my thinking. Whenever I feel stuck in life, I buy books on such topics to learn what people did in a similar situation.

I consume self-help, non-fiction kind of material on a daily basis. Recently, I shared a new experiment on how I read at least 20 pages a day for 30 days to build a sustainable reading habit.

It’s really powerful how a book can change your perspective on life. As the title says, you need the following two books to accomplish almost anything in your professional or personal life.

Let’s dive into the learning part.

1- Atomic Habits to make tiny changes

Title: Atomic Habits by James Clear, Tiny Changes, remarkable results (amazon affiliate link)

Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become. No single instance will transform your beliefs, but as the votes build up, so does the evidence of your new…



Sufyan Maan, M.Eng

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